The South African Government Continues To Display Disregard For Student’s Life

The South African Government continues to treat the Higher Education sector as a federal reserve of this country at the expense of the Human rights of students. It is absurd that at the face of a declared National Disaster government allows Universities and TVET’s to continue operating, despite the fact that no campus has less than 100 students in a lecture hall with only a few institutions postponing their planned graduation ceremonies.

President Cyril Ramaphosa as the Commander in Chief of the South African Defense Force, must show boldness and close all institutions of higher learning as declared for basic education in our country.

TVET Colleges & Universities remain Public Institutions which the government must care for, We are utterly disturbed by the indecisive announcement by President on Colleges and Universities more especially noting the case of the University of Witswatersrand having an infected student.

The 21st National Executive Committee has also come to a conclusion to postpone it’s planned Right To Learn Campaign March scheduled for Friday, 27th of March 2020 in Pretoria and we will communicate further details on the march in due course.

We urge Universities and TVET Colleges of South Africa to declare an immediate suspension of their Academic program until the government declares otherwise. Failure to do so students will be forced to defend themselves by closing these institutions themselves.

The disregard for student life through the continued operation of campuses undermines the safety of the student population across the republic, leaving them vulnerable to contracting Covid-19.

We further challenge the Health and Science’s faculties, Health Department and Professionals in the medical and science field to define and characterise the Virus we dealing with.

So that as the country and students organization are able to advise on the way forward because we believe that no Virus is undefined. We are ready to Advise, Contectualise and Simplify the virus and its behavior.


Issued by SASCO NEC

For Enquiries:

Bamanye Matiwane
079 026 5759


Buthanani Ngwane
Secretary General
073 257 5677[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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