The death of Mama Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, and the killing of girls and children.

Article: Synthesis between Social Consciousness and Justice: A Historic Patriarchal Impasse

In the contemporary past, the strategies to formulate, inform and shape the public perception and
sound qualitative knowledge within the educational discourse in general, and the media in particular
have sought to induce a plethora of issues which relate to consciousness and decision making in the
context of these sectors. Amid promises and propositions effected by the government, private
organisations, etc. tailor-made to provide transformational and transformative ideological
orientations to improve the quality of life for the poor, and making the promotion of relevant and
humanising information regarding the historic Patriarchal impasse accessible to the marginalised,
the destitute, and the disenfranchised, initiatives are often unsustainable; generally remain
indicative of the reluctance of those in the upper echelons of power to actualise any form of sensible
and professional change. The intentionality of this piece of writing is namely to highlight certain
persistent causes of # A Historic Patriarchal Impasse” social media consciousness, and discuss
whether a more humanizing, dimensional and diversified educational discourse which is
representative and reflective of the composition of our society should be solicited and sourced.
South Africa is a democracy, and with this system comes access and responsibility to alleviate the
burdens of the poor, promoting the rights of women and children against gender-based violence, and
empowering various institutions with appropriate knowledge and enable platforms that which may
serve as a vehicle to ventilate the aspirations of women and children against any form of
victimization. In our country, structures and opportunities are in abundance, however, the global
influence and dominance of capitalism has made it almost impossible for many to even conceive of
any realistic outlook to propagate, and help to shape opportunities of and for the working class with
increased prospects to change livelihoods for themselves, their families and their communities. Both
in the education, and media sector, respectively the struggle against women and children abuse is
essentially not bound to race, gender, ethnicity and creed.

Notwithstanding that, however, it is very crucial to learn to discern that gender-based violence is a
social product. In essence, this phenomenon exists within a political, socio-economic context.
Consequently, any attempt to decontextualise it would be tantamount to wallowing in the mire. It is
, therefore, by extension, created and maintained by the very same society within which it occurs. As
a result, our society is sustained by it. Consistently, one may argue that, to resolve these societal
contradictions, we may have to challenge some of our believe systems, by subjecting them to both
subjective and objective interrogation and scrutiny. The somewhat uncontrollable desire by the
social media to obscure and discount the contributions of Mama-Winnie Madikizela-Mandela after
her recent death is reflective of the relentless struggles for and against gender parity. Moreover, the
skyrocketing brutal killing onslaught on girls and children including that of Ms. Karabo Mokoena
leaves a lot to desire especially after 24 years into democracy. In this, the following were my
conclusions drawn from the current developments on # gender based violence” phenomenon.

  • One of the causes of gender based violence is the internalisation and unconscious
    application of unexamined foreign ideologies in our lives which are far removed from our
    concrete realities. The mass multi-media platforms to being an instrument for capital
    continue to tantalise the expectations of the poor and the marginalised in terms of
    manipulating their minds with an intent to create in their respective personalities tastes and
    desires for which they have no economic power to satisfy, and thereby breading frustrations
    in various families.
  • Being tolerant to cultural and socialising structures that inculcate an inflated personality of a
    male gender as a supernatural human who is inherently indispensable to oneself, and whose
    existence is independent from society. As a result, everyone else is suppose to be a servant
    onto that alleged supernatural being. However, when the unwanted reality suddenly dawns
    to indicate to the contrary, family structures proceed to experience convulsion at all levels,
    and suddenly become susceptible to gender abuse and other forms of victimisation.
  • The misinterpretations, misunderstanding and misapplications of certain biblical or religious
    concepts which to this day continues unabated, especially the Adam and Eve story which
    arguably in other societies and historical contexts have perceived Eve as the weaker side of
    Adam. In contrast, not essentially equal in the requisite quest of maintaining and sustaining
    human species. Therefore, some men out of expediency often utilise this story as their main
    source of reference to advance a misguided view point that sometimes suggests or qualifies
    the potential evilness of Eve as a result.
  • Government should reprioritize efforts to address gender based violence, within the
    education and social discourse, schools, universities, etc. are the entity which produces
    doctors, teachers, and services professionals in a legal, and professional way.
  • In addition, more support structures should be placed at the disposal of various
    communities, especially where the poor and he marginalised reside regarding group support
    and counseling services. Technology should also be utilised in order to marketize and
    promote healthy marital affairs and the well-being of individuals particularly the victims.
    Furthermore, the appropriateness of humanistic laws that are responsive and adaptive to the
    challenges of gender abuse should be explored.
  • More initiatives to solicit funding in this regard should be moved, and spending be equitable
    distributed to support the victims of gender based violence and to prioritise their needs.
    Additionally, ethical standards of reporting should be employed to advance the practice of
    accountability, transparency and conciousness which depicts how the funds are spent in the
    realisation of these important objectives.

In conclusion, South Africa has a wealth of intellectual capital and resources. If correctly employed
it can exceedingly benefit the hopes and dreams of the less-fortunate, mitigate gender based
violence, and aid them to be resocialised into changed societies to live a better and improved quality
of life. The desired consciousness that should be dominant in the public discourse to dismantle all
forms of patriarchal tendencies ought to be perfected and known by those that are in power with the
unwavering bias to the working class and the marginalised. They should also be well acquainted
with the history of our country, and the road which led them there. As it is only when roads once
travelled become a distance memory that social conciousness will lack. Heroines such as Mama
Winnie Madikizela- Mandela and the victims of gender based violence should serve to remind us of
the revolutionary protracted struggles that we have waged, and should strengthen us to move closer
towards the creation of a non-racial, non-sexist, a democratic, and a prosperous society.

Written by Simphiwe Joja
Acting Secretary-General of SASCO

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