The South African Student Congress (SASCO) is taken aback by the counter revolutionary actions of the ANC government led by Cyril Ramaphosa, today as it wined and dined the blood soaked Zionist of the Apartheid regime of Israel in their acceptance of their ambassadors credence.

These actions by the ANC depict a defunct former liberation movement which has over the past three decades perfected the art of talking left and walking right, betraying the very foundation which gave birth to the revolutionary Congress movement.

A paralysis of comprehension in the habit of analysis that simply pukes on the resolutions of conference and the mandate given to them by the electorate.

The sell out position adopted today by the ANC led government is a confirmation of the rot which has taken ahold of our once revolutionary alliance, the void of principle, politics and a backbone.

As South Africa is witnessing an array of politically bankrupt ANC deployees and their disfigured stomachs, who could be best described in the words of President Nelson Mandela “Change their principles depending on who they are dealing with” .

This deliberate spit in the face of decades of solidarity campaigns by the people of South Africa, confirm one thing. The current leadership of the ANC is only in it for themselves and not the progressive international motive forces who have for over a century supported the African National Congress.


Issued by SASCO

Bamanye Matiwane

Buthanani Thobela
Secretary General

For Enquiries:

Luvuyo Barnes
Media & Communication Liaison
+27 65 358 5412

FB: SASCONational | T: SASCONational | IG: SASCONational

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