SASCO to lead protest by South African Students at the Israeli Embassy in Pretoria.
Students and the youth of South Africa will be gathering this Thursday, 20 May 2021 to stand in solidarity with the oppressed people of occupied Palestine in protest of the brutal killing of innocent Palestinians by the Apartheid Government of Israel.

The protest, led by the South African Students Congress (SASCO), will have various student organisations, youth formations (YCLSA, ANC YL), Alliance Structures (SACP, SANCO, COSATU & ANC), Members and supporters of the gallant student movement. SASCO will be sharing information about the continued oppression of Palestine and share Apartheid Israel’s vast International law violations as resolved by the United Nations and opportunities for our communities to get involved and support this cause.

Every child should have a shot at life. Unfortunately, over 60 children have been killed in Gaza in the last week alone by the Apartheid Israeli Defence Force. By not standing together in solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine we become complicit in the genocide carried out by the Apartheid state of Israel, we must come together and say NO MORE!

We cannot in good conscience allow for an embassy of an Apartheid State like Israel to exist in a Democratic South Africa.
Date: Wednesday, May 20th
Arrival Time 10AM
Venue: Apartheid Israel Embassy, 428 Kings Hwy, Lynnwood, Pretoria

All members of the media are invited to cover the picket, for any enquiries kindly liaise with the Media & Communication Liaison – Mr. Luvuyo Barnes 079 393 7131

Issued by SASCO

Bamanye Matiwane
079 026 5759

Buthanani Thobela
Secretary General
073 257 5677

FB: SASCO National | T: SASCO_National | IG: SASCO National

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