SASCO Statement on the Recent Statements made by Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng

SASCO stands diametrically opposed to the statement made by the Chief Justice of the Republic in support of the Apartheid state of Israel. What’s even more worrying is that his statement comes at a time when Israel, with the support of Donald Trump and the United States, is planning to annex 30% of the West Bank and Jordan Valley. The annexation plan is likely to displace some 300 000 Palestinian people from their homes, leaving them destitute, homeless and landless.

As South Africans, we understand that like our struggle, the Palestinian struggle is a struggle for land. The continued theft of Palestinian land and mistreatment of Palestinians by the Israeli regime resembles nothing else but apartheid and as South Africans, we have always pledged our support for the people of Palestine for this very reason. As the head of the Judiciary and protector of the Constitution, the Chief Justice ought to know better than to sensationalise the religious aspects of the struggle for liberation of the Palestinians. Religious fundamentalism is a tool which the Zionist regime uses to blur the lines in the Occupied Palestinian lands. It is recorded in history that people of all religions have suffered under the Zionist regime. As South Africans we have never allowed this tactic to distract us. We have always seen the picture with great clarity. Israel is a pariah, settler colonial state that practises apartheid. It is thus confounding that a man of the law would support a state that has been found guilty of violations of international law by various United Nations Commissions and other International Organisations.

As students of South Africa, we cannot be silent when the head of one of our arms of state abuses his position to support the violation of Human Rights in another country. As a progressive student movement that values deeply the principle of progressive international solidarity, SASCO calls on all students and progressive forces in civil society to support the call for the Chief Justice to retract his statement of support for Apartheid Israel. Furthermore, the Chief Justice must recuse himself from the case of COSATU v SAJBD which sits before him at the Constitutional Court as he is clearly compromised and cannot provide an unbiased judgement in this case.

SASCO would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm its position in support of the Palestinian people.
Aluta Continua

Issued by SASCO NEC

Bamanye Matiwane
SASCO President

Buthanani Goba
SASCO Secretary General

Luvuyo Barnes
SASCO Media & Communication Liaison
079 393 7131

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