The South African Students Congress (SASCO) with progressive voices across the SADC region and the world stands in solidarity with the students of Zimbabwe and its people in condemning the recent arrest of Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) President, Takudzwa Ngadziore, and along-side state sanctioned suppression of freedoms meted out against activists in Zimbabwe. SASCO stands with ZINASU in seeking for justice, the release of Takudzwa Ngadziore and a return to constitutionalism in Zimbabwe.

“Above all always be capable of feeling deeply any injustice committed against anyone, anywhere in the world.” Che Guevara

Companies based in South Africa who are profiting from the brutality meted against citizens and the suppression of freedoms in Zimbabwe are complicit in the injustices carried out by that Government and must be treated as such in South Africa. Companies such as Impala Car Rental, which rents out vehicles to state apparatus in Zimbabwe to abduct and arrest human rights activists such as Tawanda Muchehiwa a student abducted just weeks ago using an Impala Car Rental vehicle which the company refuses to disclose the person who rented out the vehicle. We demand that all Impala Car Rental sites in South Africa be closed down immediately.

Action speaks louder than words, and we demand that South Africa acts on dismantling the suppression of freedoms and cease aiding and enjoying relations with governments that suppress the very freedoms all South Africans enjoy. It is simply not enough to pay lip service to the brutality faced by the people of Zimbabwe; our government must take practical steps in lending a hand to the oppressed people in our neighbouring Zimbabwe.

As an organisation we will be be meeting the ANC NEC Subcommittee on international relations to work on a pragmatic plan to act in solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe and fight to retain hard won freedom in Zimbabwe and our country because an unstable Zimbabwe means an unstable South Africa and the SADC region.

Issued by SASCO NEC

Bamanye Matiwane
079 026 5759

Buthanani Thobela
Secretary General
073 257 5677

For Enquiries

Luvuyo Barnes
Media and Communication Liaison
079 393 7131

FB: SASCO National | T: SASCO_Jikelele | IG: SASCO_National

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