“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters” Antonio Gramsci

The South African Students Congress (SASCO) notes and rejects the deliberate and concomitant intentions and actions by the South African government to reverse the #FeesMustFall campaign victories. The student struggles of 2015/6 relentlessly waged by South African students against decommodification of higher education in our country is currently being undermined and spitted against by Treasury led by Titus Tito Mboweni.

As an organization we note and reject the budget statement presented by wannabe cooker Tito Mboweni with the contempt it deserves. The budget speech has failed to rise to the expectations of the marginalised children of the working class, the budget speech has dismally failed to live up to the commitments made by the African National Congress in its manifesto during the 2019 National General Elections.

We are fully convinced that the African National Congress as led by Cyril Ramaphosa has no other obsession but to marginalize the already marginalized African people in particular and Blacks in general, the ANC is nothing but a reformist organization under the 54th National Executive Committee with two rhetorical songs with one being “Radical Economic Transformation” and the other being “Radical Economic Socio Transformation” it is clear that these two songs are nothing but bidding concepts to fool the Working Class and the poor.

SASCO will on Tuesday, 2nd of March 2021 convene a Special National Executive Committee meeting which shall reflect and decide on what becomes the future of the Higher Education Sector in South Africa and our relations with the South African Government which has proven beyond a reasonable doubt, that it is not progressive and our SPOT Document is clear on how we should relate with reactionary governments.

We shall conduct a comprehensive consultative process with all Progressive Forces across the country to support our actions beyond the Special National Executive Committee meeting, We will stop at nothing but fight the austerity measures and stop the Neo-Liberal Agenda that is championed by Cyril Ramaphosa and his National Executive Committee under the 6th Administration.
Issued by SASCO NEC
Bamanye Matiwane
079 026 5759

Buthanani Thobela
Secretary General
073 257 5677
For Enquiries

Luvuyo Barnes
Media & Communication Liaison
079 393 7131
FB: SASCO National | T: SASCO Jikelele  | IG: SASCO_National

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