The South African Students Congress (SASCO) notes the cabinet reshuffle with dismay, the organisation believes that the decisions executed by the President of ANC and Republic, falls short of taking into consideration the concerns raised by the Progressive Youth Alliance on the 1st of June 2021. The PYA submitted a memorandum of demands to the National Treasury and Presidency, raising concern with the systematic economic exclusion of young people and the recycling of pension candidates in influential political and administration.

The Progressive Youth Alliance has been vocal about the dire need to rejunivate the executive of the country through the inclusion of young people. There is standing empirical evidence that young people in South Africa are amongst the most economic disempowered constituency in the country, yet they make up the majority of the South African population. The decision to appoint comrades such as Cde Enoch Godongwana and Cde Mondli Gungubele that are 64 years, nearing the official retirement age is counter intuitive and displays the ANC’s flagrant disregard of the youth.

SASCO is disappointed by the choice of the African National Congress’s deployment committee and President Cyril Ramaphosa. The calls of the Progressive Youth Alliance and numerous youth-based structures in the country have again fallen on deaf ears. SASCO would like to assure the ANC and young people of South Africa that it will not retreat on its campaign to ensure that all Men & Women employed by the government retire at the age of 65 years.

SASCO challenges Cabinet ministers to fill the vacancies in their departments which they have failed to fill since their appointment in 2019; this process must be undertaken and completed within the next 30 days. The filling of the vacancies must specifically address the pandemic of youth unemployment and poverty. This call is a practical barometer to gauge the commitment of the ANC led government in battles to combat and eliminate Youth Unemployment. The South African Students Congress asserts that the Director General in the Presidency must monitor and assure that the motion to fill government department vacancies is fulfilled in 30 days.

In the same breath SASCO welcomes the departure of Cde Tito Mboweni, and furthermore challenges the former minister to donate his retirement package to a charity of choice that focuses on youth development and economic empowerment. Comrade Tito leaves behind a legacy of austerity measures which undermined the role of education in South Africa by significantly cutting funding to directed to Higher Education.

The time has arrived for the youth of South Africa in general and the mass democratic movement to unite behind the clarion call for youth inclusion in all areas of society. The generational mission which Frantz Fanon speaks about is upon the youth of South Africa, we dare not betray ourselves.

Issued by SASCO

Bamanye Matiwane

Buthanani Thobela
Secretary General

For Enquiries:

Luvuyo Barnes
Media and Communication Liaison
079 393 7131

FB: SASCO National | T: SASCO_National | IG: SASCO National

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