SASCO reaction to the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement

Thursday, 11 November SASCO reaction to the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBS) presented Minister E Godongwana today.

The South African Students Congress (SASCO) has noted the MTBPS delivered by Minister of Finance Mr Enoch Godongwana today in Parliament. As an organisation we listen to this Medium Term Budget Policy Statement with particular interest of our sector, higher education and and pro-poor pronouncements by government.

SASCO is elated and welcomes the continued commitment by the ANC led government to place education as it’s apex priority. This commitment is seen at the increased budget for higher education education from R44.7 Billion spending in 2020/21 to R56.8 Billion in the current year. This increase in funding is correctly interpreted by the students movement as further commitment by ANC led government to fund fee-free higher education for the poor students from working class backgrounds. We are further elated to learn that government will spend a total of R158.8 Billion on higher education.

We are however taken aback by less actionable plans to deal with inadequate electricity supply. We are of the firm view that this undermines whatever effort government for the recovery of our economy. We believe that our government will not get return on its investment in higher education as students can’t study and academically excel in the dark. Fixing our electricity supply to citizens will guarantee economic growth and make our country an investment destination by foreign investors.

We are not phased by the projected 5.1% economic growth for this current year as our economy contracted with about 6.4% during the year 2020 which resulted in people losing jobs and youth owned enterprises closing down. The projected economic growth signals that we are still far from going back to the pre-COVID-19 economy state.

Issued by SASCO NEC

Bamanye Matiwane

Buthanani Thobela
Secretary General

For Enquiries

Luvuyo Barnes
Media & Communication Liaison
079 393 7131


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