The South African Students Congress (SASCO) has learnt with disgust that there’s a private company which attempts to Interdict its Voice on the delivery of Gadgets and Data to students as early as upon registration for the 2021 Academic Year.

As SASCO we wish to reiterate our call to government that come the month of March Students must receive their gadgets upon their registration. Government has since July 2020 committed to providing gadgets to the students for the so called Remote Learning since the dawn of COVID-19.

SASCO wishes to state it on record that it has never been part of any tender adjudication process and therefore it makes no sense that it must be interdicted from its cause of “One Student, One Laptop” campaign. We view the interdict on one light as nothing but as an attempt to intimidate the student movement which we won’t take lightly as it signifies suppression of democracy.

As previously expressed we remain concerned by the said sentiments of the Minister about the inquiry to the NSFAS laptop tender process, his qouted to have said the process would divide the ANC Top Leaders.

As SASCO we wish to place it on record that if any inquiry is instituted and anyone found to have foul played within the process then they must face the full might of law, we remain opposed to any corrupt acts.

Our commitment to our generational call must never be interpreted for support of Corrupt activities, we will continue to hold the government responsible until students receive what is due to them.

One Laptop, One Student!


Issued by SASCO NEC

Bamanye Matiwane
079 026 5759

Buthanani Thobela
Secretary General
073 257 5677


Luvuyo Barnes
Media & Communication Liaison
079 393 7131

FB: SASCO National | T: SASCO_Jikelele | IG: SASCO_National

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