SASCO outraged by the accreditation withdrawal of LLB at WSU, UZ, UCT, and UL.

SASCO outraged by the accreditation withdrawal of LLB at WSU, UZ, UCT, and Univ of Limpopo.

The South African Students Congress has learned with utter disgust the notice and withdrawal LLB accreditation at WSU, UZ, UCT and Univ of Limpopo. The withdrawal of LLB in these institutions is an insult to students and prospective students who wish to pursue their careers in the field of Law.

The withdrawal of accreditation has targeted the majority of Historical Disadvantage Institutions  (WSU, UZ, and Univ of Limpopo). These institutions harbour majority of the working class and poor students who in their majority cannot afford the exorbitant fees in the former white institutions.

This is the living testament that our institutions are still an ivory tower that is dictated by markets. The Council of Higher Education is composed of a group of white business people and black elite who have no interest to improve the standard of education in HDI’s and up-skilling the black child.

Students hold no responsibility over the quality of teaching and research innovations of the institutions, the withdrawal is wheep to students and must be rejected.

It is our considered view that this decision rolls back the gains of our democracy and the NDP targets relating to access in our institutions. We believe the CHE should have instead focused on find ways to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

We call on the Minister of Higher Education and Training to act swiftly and reverse this reactionary decision taken by the market inspired council of higher education decision.

On Zimbabwe

SASCO notes with Concern the polarized political situation in Zimbabwe, we are concerned primarily about the future of our fellow students that remain hanging following the deterioration of the political situation.

We call on both the defense force and the government to speed up negotiations in order to restore order in the country. We applaud the swift intervention by the SADC leaders, We hope and believe their intervention will bring peace and stability.

Working with SASU we will closely monitor the developments in Zimbabwe and update our fellow students.

The struggle for access to education continues!!

Issued on behalf of NEC by:

Thabo Moloja
SASCO President
071 875 2224

Tembani Makata
SASCO Secretary General
071 875 2209

Media enquiries:
Mava Bayi
060 308 2415

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