The programme of radical transformation, for the betterment of people’s lives as part of the historic mission of the ANC, has been stalled by particular systemic and structural realities that we can no longer shy away from.

SASCO is of the belief that as young people and students we cannot run away from the fact that neo-liberal capitalism has dismally failed to be responsive to human aspirations and interests. Young people’s dreams are constantly dashed by capitalist power relations. Why should we keep quite to please people who regard our lives as disposable and exploitable? Why should we sing praises to an order that prioritise profit over our lives?

SASCO sees the attacks on Cde Molaodi Wa Sekake, who is recommended for the appointment on the NYDA Board, because of his idealogical belief in socialism, as unwarranted; it smacks of intellectual and idealogical cowardice. We want to say to Cde Wa Sekake, you are not alone; the biggest student movement in Africa, SASCO, cannot cross the picket line. You can count on our unconditional support. We cannot be found wanting, like others, when it comes to the pursuit of a just and equal world.

In fact, it is time we, as young people and students, state what many people cannot say for fear of victimization, hence their deep hatred of socialism and it’s proponents. And that is, the structure of the capitalist political economy has benefited a tiny minority at the expense of the Black majority. We cannot narrow development to funding and grants. We need to speak about the nature of power relations and expose those who benefit from such.

We need to seize this moment and run with it. It is the duty of revolutionary forces to advance and defend a cause that seeks for tamper with the existing power relations.

Working class and poor students are witness to the inherent limitations of the prevailing economic system, particularly as it relates to access to education, student indebtedness, lack of accomodation, etc. We therefore cannot talk about youth development without raising and challenging these.

It is as a result of the failed development logic that we need a radically different economic path. We believe a socialist way of organising society can stand the test of time. Capitalism cannot solve the problems it has created. It is time that young people, particularly students, see the bigger picture and take charge of their lives in a true sense. It is now or never!

We call for the speedy appointment of the recommended names for the NYDA Board. We cannot wait any longer.

It is in this regard that as a student movement we advice against the vilification of ones beliefs, a constitutional democracy allows anyone to participate fully in nation building and create a society represented by their conviction. SASCO stands against any form of discrimination.

Issued by SASCO NEC

Bamanye Matiwane

Buthanani Thobela
Secretary General

For Enquiries

Luvuyo Barnes
Media and Communication Liaison
079 393 7131

FB: SASCO National | T: SASCO_Jikelele | IG: SASCO_National

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