The South African Students Congress (SASCO) today commemorates 82 years since Nazi Storming of the then Charles University where more than 1200 protesting students were arrested and deported to concentration camps, whilst 8 students and One Professor were executed without trial on the 17th of November 1939.
No. 17th November Street in Prague, Chezch Republic is where the first Headquarters of the International Union of Students and where it was formed in 1946. SASCO is proud to have been once entrusted to lead this union through the deployment of Cde Moeti Mpuru from our ranks and who not only representing SASCO but the country South Africa from the year 1993 – 1995, we must continue keeping true to our principles being active within the world and understand our pillar of International Work.
We wish to salute all progressive students of the world who continue to stand firm against the injustices and inhumane conditions where the people are subjected to such, understanding very well that we can’t have normal teaching and learning in an abnormal society so the actions to defy the then undemocratically elected government was a commendable act of resistance at the time.

We wish to say to the students of the world that they must Unite, and we continue to pledge our solidarity with their struggles to dismantle all forms of oppression. Unity is Power!!

Issued by SASCO

Bamanye Matiwane

Buthanani Thobela
Secretary General

For Enquiries

Luvuyo Barnes
Media & Communication Liaison
079 393 7131

FB: SASCONational | T: SASCONational | IG: SASCO_National

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