SASCO Calls for Firm Action to be taken against the Minister of Public Enterprise

The South African Students Congress (SASCO) is concerned with the recent spate of loadshedding that will undoubtedly have an impact on students who are currently sitting for their final assessments in both basic and higher education institutions across the country. It is a known fact that almost all Institutions of Higher Learning are currently engaged in their final Assessments and Exams for the academic year 2021.

We find it quite unacceptable that students must be faced with the challenges that will be compounded by loadshedding ,especially in light of the need for electricity to enable online. Loadshedding will not only affect the ability for students to study for their exams but also affect connectivity, access to online platforms, access to academic resource material and much more. Students will as a result of this state of affairs face academic anxiety, this in light of concerning mental health issue within the sector. What is more deplorable is the fact that this is, by the Ministers own admission, a result of “human error” . It has become very clear that the 72 years old Minister Gordan is out of depth, has reached his ceiling of thinking and has no clear turn-around plan for the Department of Public Enterprise. The Minister has been careless about the well-being of the citizens of this country, particularly students and learners who must sit for their exams.

We have always been clear that corruption is a serious cancer in our country and the world and we dare not fail in uprooting it wherever it rears its ugly head. When the Group CEO was appointed the country was sold a dream which has clearly been proven to be an empty one of seeing a country without loadshedding.

The 72 year’s old Grandpa must with immediate effect resign and failure to do so, President Cyril Ramaphosa must show bold leadership and remove him from his cabinet.

We as the South African Students Congress call on the removal of the Minister of Public Enterprise and the CEO of Eskom. Renewal can never happen without a relentless commitment to accountability.

Issued by SASCO NEC

Bamanye Matiwane
079 026 5759

Buthanani Thobela
Secretary General
073 257 5677

For Enquiries:

Luvuyo Barnes
Media & Communication Liaison
079 393 7131

FB: SASCO National | T: SASCONational | IG: SASCONational

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