The South African Students Congress (SASCO) National Executive Committee (NEC) convened its NEC meeting in North West from the 3rd to the 5th of February 2023.

The meeting kicked off with a political school and training by the OR Tambo School of Leadership.
This session was critical in setting the political and ideological tone and climate to inform the rest of the meeting.

The second day was a strategic session and training facilitated by the SASCO former President, Cde Mbulelo Mandlana and current head of the political education department of NEHAWU. The session was themed around the current state of the revolution in South Africa and National Democratic Revolution (NDR), as well as the location of the organisation and the entire student movement.

The meeting also sought to review and reinforce the ideological posture and approach to the struggles that perpetually affect the poor and working class students. On this front, the meeting further reaffirmed its commitment to the struggles of the working class, and to further review its alliances towards consolidating the autonomy and fighting capacity of the working class coalition

The meeting set also on the back of the currently running Right To Learn Campaign, and the meeting took stock of the prevalent political and structural conditions that the campaign exists, and to the extent we must be able to respond to these conditions towards ensuring that we advance and protect the gains and ideals of this critical crusade.

The meeting also reflected on the state of the alliance, especially as it pertains to our relationship with the African National Congress (ANC). This inquest, the meeting made was also informed by the imminent upcoming 2024 General Elections, and the role of SASCO in galvanizing support in institutions of higher learning to ensure that we defend our collective gains of the National Democratic Revolution through defending the electoral gains of the ANC.

The meeting noted the sharp decline in the appetite for political debate and discourse. The 22nd congress resolved to respond to this phenomenon.

The 22nd Congress had also deliberated on the structural deficiencies of the organization, as it pertains to the PEC. The meeting therefore reflected on some of the resolutions of congress.

The meeting as tasked by the 22nd National Congress noted the following constitutional amendments:
– The constitution must reflect and stipulate that the organization shall convene Policy Conferences, at Regional, Provincial and National level.
– These, the Congress believed, will entrench political, policy and other deliberations in the movement, but will also counter the regrettable omission and erosion of deliberations at elective meetings.
– The meeting further reaffirmed the resolution of the congress to increase the PEC composition to 14 and the PWC to 8 members.


Notably, the NEC through the officials has met with various stakeholders in the sector. These include the Department of Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Ndzimande with the entire DHET senior team.
The organization also met with the National Student Financial Aid Scheme senior team led by the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Andile Nongogo.

The purpose of these meetings was to seek to understand the state of the sector as it pertains to state of readiness of colleges and universities. We also used these meetings to advance the positions and views of the organization but also issues coming forth from our branches.


Largely the organization has been working closely with our alliance partners within the MDM, in particular the Progressive Youth Alliance.

Notwithstanding the relations we’ve fostered with most alliance partners, initially there had been challenges in navigating these relations, informed by the ill-discipline and political delinquency sponsored by an isolated group of disgruntled members and.
However, owing to various processes embarked upon by the officials, including legal processes, we have been able to steadily restore the stature and credibility of the organization.


Amongst some of the programmes the NEC has resolved on, the NEC resolved to host a RTLC rally as part of its work to consolidate the ground towards budling a militant front towards responding to the struggles of students, the poor and working class.

The organization will also, reinforce its work in its solidarity to the oppressed people of Palestine by the Israeli apartheid regime.
Therefore, to this end, the organization will participate in and collaborate with our long standing partners, the BDS coalition.

The organisation, will also, in remembering and celebrating the formation of SASCO, revisit and commemorate the Rhodes 1991 inaugural congress.

The organisation will also develop a programme to be tabled at the first NWC, that will respond to the social ills that are plaquing our members, students and society. Chief amongst some of these challenges will be Gender-Based Violence and Femicide, mental health and graduate alive progrmmes.


The majority of provinces, albeit some challenges, have been relatively stable with a few exceptions.
The meeting further resolved to strengthen the fighting capacity of the provinces that have been administratively incapacitated

The NEC meeting therefore resolved to dissolve the following provinces:
– Northern Cape
– Gauteng
– North West
– Eastern Cape.
Within 5 working days, the NWC will receive a report from the deployees on the state of these provinces and the subsequent recommendations of the constitution of interim structures for puposes of rebuilding the organisation.

The meeting appointed the following comrades into the National Working Committee:
– Cde Vezinhlanhla Simelane
– Cde Julia Mtsweni
– Cde Alungile Kamtshe
– Cde Asive Dlanjwa
– Cde Thabile Dlamini
– Cde Mangaliso Nompula
– Cde Daniel Lediga
– Cde Mbalizonke Magubane
– Cde Landy Ndlovu
– Cde Nontsindiso Mbutho

The meeting appointed as the National Organiser, cde Zandile Tshabalala who will also be a permanent invitee to the NWC.

The meeting further noted and congratulated the newly elected NEC of SAVETSA, as led by our NEC member cde Genius Shabalala.

The NEC will further consolidate and coordinate its work to prepare for SRC elections.

The meeting further reaffirmed the congress resolution on its rejection of online SRC elections in the current form, and established that accountability, transparency and oversight become three areas of development in order to place democratic practices at the Centre of SRC election which should reflect the principle of free and fair.

The NEC would like to commend the good work conducted by the activists and members of the organization as they carry on with the RTLC in their respective branches to ensure that all deserving students access higher education.

Issued by SASCO NEC

Vezinhlanhla Simelane
083 586 5934

Alungile Kamtshe
072 841 8607

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