Editor’s Note: Moithuti 3rd Edition

We are yet again presenting to you another weekly edition of Moithuthi in which more interesting issues are raised by comrades to enhance debate. It is important to note that this edition comes at a time when the country is celebrating women’s day as an appreciation and recognition of the role played by women in the liberation struggle. The patriarchal system is so much entrenched to an extent that when history is South Africa and the continent is being narrated it always glorifies the role played by men only without taking into cognisance the participation and direct involvement of women. It is therefore bestowed upon us as this new generation in the student movement to document all our activities objectively so that the coming generation even after us will know that women too are equal participants in the struggle for socio-economic transformation.

We are confronted with difficult times when the revolution is under attack from the parasitic demagogues of opposition parties as led by the DA who want to remove the ANC through a vote of no confidence in parliament. The charlatans are so naïve to think that that we can outsource our responsibility as a movement to self-correct and therefore want to choose a President on our behalf. Like all other previous seven motions, the opposition is once again exposed and defeated even on this eighth motion of no confidence. We are saying this not because we are comfortable with the policies and approach that the ANC is taking on issues of governance, education and economic development, we have raised our criticisms to the ANC for slow pace in implementing free education and we do this within internal and relevant platforms we shall continue to soldier on until the full realisation of free education and economic freedom. We call all our members to remain focussed, determined and courageous in defending the revolution from these right wing elements masked as opposition coalition who are prepared to do anything to reverse the gains attained by the mass democratic movement thus far.

In this 3rd edition of Moithuthi, Chairman of SASCO comrade Buyile Matiwane questioned the vanguard role of the South African Communist Party, based on the recent political realties he suggests that a strong revolutionary movement can only be build when we avoid the commodification of the tripartite alliance. On the other hand the Treasurer General of SAUS takes on the Provincial Treasurer of SASCO in KwaZulu Natal on the discussion of the gender quota in which a constructive critique of the previous article is provided with more emphasis on the success stories of the 50/50 representation policy. Also in this journal comrade Misheck T Mugabe also call upon on the need for ethical leadership in order to dismantle state capture. The Deputy President of SASCO gives us a historical account of the role played by women and challenged the current generation to play an even more meaningful role to fight against abuse of women in society. Comrade Tsakani Shiviti reminds us that the student struggles in institutions of higher learning was more successful because of the involvement of great women of courage some amongst them left us in the line of duty and thus paid tribute to them. Enjoy the experience of reading and continue to write even more to enhance the battle of ideas because if we do not do that we run a risk of propelling a revolution using common sense. As Martin Luther King, Jr (1965) correctly puts it that “our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”, let us continue with these conversations that matter as we advance the struggle for higher education transformation.


Thank you.

Revolutionary Regards

Tembani Makata

Editor in Chief

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