- Alungile Kamtshe – President (M)
- Paseka Molete – Deputy President (M)
- Admission Monareng – Secretary General (F)
- Mangaliso Nompula – 1st Deputy Secretary General (M)
- Daniel Lediga – 2nd Deputy Secretary General (M)
- Samkele Sigam – Treasurer General (M)
NEC members President: A. Kamtshe, DP: P. Molete, SG: A. Monareng, 1st DSG: M. Nompula, 2nd DSG: D. Lediga, TG: S. Sigam
- Lonwabo Siramza (M)
- Genius Shabalala (M)
- Enathi Mbanjwa (F)
- Thuto Mashile (F)
- Noluvuyolwethu Makhathana (F)
- Katleho Kate Mpuru (F)
- Gabara Tshedza (F)
- Omogolo Bakile (F)
- Bongeka Dlamini (F)
- Damien Mukhansi (M)
- Zameka Majenge (M)
- Modiasaotsile Seikaneng (M)
The 23rd National Congress of SASCO concluded with the congress declaration delivered by the newly elected Secretary General Cde Adminission Monerang and the closing address was delivered by the newly elected President Cde Alungile Kamtshe.
For any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the SGO at sascohqsec@gmail.com/060 963 4522