Contribution to Youth parliament, 16 October 2020 by the SASCO Treasurer General – Cde Thabile Dlamini

On Higher education and training response to the Dept. Ministers report on interventions to expand adequate access to higher education

Upon our demands and the response from the minister, Let’s note that the curriculum review of tvet collages has been ongoing since 2018, with 38 subjects being reviewed, some are still in the process of being reviewed by Umalusi and quality council of trade and occupations.

Only 14 will be implemented by 2021:

– it becomes a concern with regards to preserving and saving the academic year of 2020,
– there is also a concern on ICT-related curricular being implemented on a phased-in basis that will start in 2021
Let us appreciate the Capital infrastructure efficiency Grant CIEG Made available to 50 collages since 2016/17
– however, conditions in some institutions are bad and as people that are on the ground, we get to see the poor infrastructure in these institutions
The hiring of Tvet graduates for internships and introduction of trade testing within campuses to qualify as artisans,
– instead of waiting for the labour market to respond let’s equip Tvets to respond first through skills
The enrollment number into Tvet collages must match the learning space available by local and private employees
We want to see stronger relations between Tvet collages and our SETA’s
The certificate backlog has been going on since 1992 coz of SETA and Malusi,
– expand of existing campuses if you are failing to build new Tvet collages that were promised by the president,
– Mental health clinics and health facilities are necessary and compulsory,
– Student accommodation still remains a big concern in our country,
– End student victimization and reversal of senseless court interdicts against students that have been there since 2015/16 FMF,
– And lastly the standardization of the NAFAS funding model post schooling and training sector to be the same,

These are just few of the points, please familiarize yourself with the demands of students that have been made by SASCO on its national day of action as you have less than 14 days to respond.

On small business and youth development through entrepreneurship:

1. There is a number of Small business growing in SA but statistics show that most businesses are unable to sustain themselves past 3 years,
2. With many issues such as past inequalities in SA and more especially with the impact of COVID 19,
3. Banks and investor are reluctant to funding small business as they consider young people as risk investment,
4. I concur with the idea of an integrated approach to youth development to ensure that small business are catered for on issues of community service development, electricity and water to ensure sustainably
5. The policies must speak to economic liberation for young people in business
6. Funding and support being one of the major issues,
7. Hon. Minister a youth centered Approach must speak directly to challenges faced by young people
On GBV-F ,

1. This is a major global pandemic on its own,
2. Policies must speak to transformation,
3. We must tackle and discuss the issue of patriarchy, toxic masculinity and violence,
4. Bring ideas on how we educate, raise awareness and ensure that SAPS deals and is equipped to deal decisively with issues of GBV-F,
5. The number of women and children going missing and being killed is constantly growing in the country and the cases are not going down, this needs the whole country, all steak holders and departments to deal with these issues,

Thank you

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