2018 Guidelines towards BGMs, RGs, RGCs and Provincial Congresses

These are guidelines towards SASCO BGMs, Regional Congresses, Regional General Councils and Provincial congresses.

Preliminary Note

In order to qualify for a BGM and delegation status in a Regional Congress and Provincial Congress the branch must affiliate to the Head Office, participation to the congress or general council should be confirmed by the following requirements

Branch activity (Political school/lecture and membership induction)

Submission of both the membership database and membership forms which should be captured or uploaded to the website of the organization, these should be submitted to the provincial office.

(All of this should have been done before or on the 28 March 2018).

1.1 A branch should have conducted its membership induction and hosted a political school/lecture; a report must be sent to both PSO and SGO with attendance register of both activities.

1.2 BGMs which are to receive all three BEC reports (Political, Organization and Financial), shall sit from the 10th April to the 24th April 2018. Branches that are going to sit their BGMs before the 10th April 2018 should be branches with a confirmed submission of membership forms, database and verified membership, which is not going to increase for purposes of provincial congress, and that have conducted their branch induction and political school/lecture.

The Branch General Meetings (BGMs)

These should sit on the basis of all the provisions outlined in Section 27 of the Constitution but should further specifically sit under the following conditions:

1.3 A branch will only qualify to participate in the provincial congress if its membership forms have been submitted to the provincial office for capturing; Provinces working with branches are responsible for capturing forms into the website.

1.4 All delegates must be a product of Branch General Meetings

1.5 These meetings will also be responsible for nominating delegation to Regional General Councils. The first 50 of members will mean that a branch gets to nominate two delegates and it will accumulate one delegate for an additional 50 members. There should be a strict constitutional adherence on gender.

1.6 Regional general councils in 2018 shall be conducted in terms of these guidelines, meaning that the same delegates who are to attend provincial congresses are to attend the June regional general councils.

1.7 In addition to these delegates, branches must nominate three reserve delegates. It should be noted that this applies even if the branch has a large number of delegates. Names of delegates should be sent to both PSO and SGO within 24 hours after the meeting has concluded.

1.8 All BECs, and not branch secretary or chair are to determine the actual dates suitable for hosting of these BGMs and should thus inform the PEC in advance (at least two days before the seating).

1.9 Branches existing in provinces that are under administration shall exercise what is stipulated in clause 1.8 with both PS/Co.ordinator and SGO (sending of both BGM invite and BGM report).

1.10 All these BGMs are to be presided over by the PEC, unless there has been a process of delegation to the REC/RTT. If 3 hours pass without the PEC/NEC and or the REC/RTT arriving at the AGM, the BEC through the branch chair should preside over the AGM, provided that branch chair is not available for nomination, if he/she is available BEC shall nominate any BEC member not available to preside over the nomination process.

1.11 The NEC through normal process of deployment in the organization may preside over certain branches in provinces under administration where a justifiable cause exists.

1.12 Complaints about the BGMs should be sent within 24 hours from the conclusion of the meeting and these will be entertained by the PEC’s and NWC will only entertain these after they have been dealt with in this process.

2. The Regional Congresses and Regional General councils

2.1 Regional general councils, which are to receive all the three REC Reports (Political, Organizational and Financial), and all the Congress discussion documents, shall sit before the June vacation, for not less than two days/nights.

2.2 These will be presided over by the PEC and REC should communicate the date and venue of such Regional Congresses 3 days in advance to the office of the provincial secretary. Clause 1.11 applies even to regions that are in provinces under administration.

2.3 The REC/PEC is to communicate further information for these prior or during the nomination AGMs and these will include issues such as specific policy and non-policy discussions, congress venue and other details.

Regional congresses in 2018 first semester shall be conducted in terms of these guidelines, meaning that the same delegates who attended provincial congresses are to attend any regional general council or regional congress in the first semester of the year 2018

Regions that are due for congress must sit compulsory Regional congress. These will be sitting on the basis of the necessary provisions outlined in Section 25 of the Constitution and should further sit under the following conditions:

3. The Provincial Congresses

3.1 Provincial congresses which are to receive all three reports (Political, Organizational and Financial), and the Discussion Documents shall sit in any date between the 27th of April to the 13th May 2018

3.2 These will be presided over by the NEC and the PEC should communicate the date and venue of such Provincial congress at least 4 days in advance to the office of the Secretary General.

The Provincial Congress shall sit under the provisions provided for in Section 19 of the constitution and shall sit under the following conditions:

3.3 All provinces are therefore required to submit names of all delegates to the Provincial Congress to the SGO before the 25th of April 2018

3.4 The PEC should inform and arrange logistics for all qualifying delegates, including non policy issues.

3.5 All delegates to the provincial congress are required to bring any form of identification (Identity Document, Student Card or Drivers License) for purpose of verification during registration

4. Membership statistic’s and appeals process

4.1 The first membership statistics will be released on the 1st of April 2018, after which an appeal process would follow until 5th April 2018 (It should be noted that appealing of membership should be accompanied with receipts or any kind of proof of payment).

4.2 The Final Membership statistics will then be released on the 8th April 2018. These will be the final membership statistics for all Provincial congresses.

4.3 The NWC presumes that all deserving branches have affiliated, no membership payment paid after the 28th March 2018 will be considered for purposes of Provincial congress.

4.4 In case of dispute of database, the BGM, induction, or lecture attendance register shall be applied to resolve the dispute, Branch secretariat are thus obliged to send such to SGO and keep records.

Failure to adhere to these guidelines will lead to punitive penalties and frustrations at Provincial Congress; at worst case scenarios, non-recognition of the said delegates.

For further enquiry/clarification and communication to the SGO


Lwando Majiza:  0737639099
Lwando Mangqishi:  0718752209
Email address:  adv.majiza@gmai.com


5. Membership Account

Branch secretary or any member of the branch may deposit membership and keep deposit slip as proof of payment

Account Holder: SASCO
Account number: 621 084 54117
Bank: FNB
Acc type: Cheque
Branch: President street
Branch Code: 250705
Reference: Name of SASCO branch (Xola Nene Branch)


Signed by


Lwando Majiza

Secretary General

South African Students Congress


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